The URI Helper

Generating URIs based on established routes is a common requirement for templates. This can be handled in one of two ways:

  • The view model can compose a utility for generating URIs, and then methods can proxy to that utility to generate the URI. This approach requires that the router be injected into the view model, and proxy methods created for each URI you need to generate.
  • The view model could compose a higher order section that returns a function that will render a URI based on the text. This approach is generic, but requires a syntax for describing the URI to generate.

This package ships with Phly\Expressive\Mustache\UriHelper, which provides a higher order function for generating URIs based on route names. It expects a JSON string describing an object with minimally a "name" member, and optionally an "options" object with substitutions to provide when generating the URI.

    Make sure you <a href="{{#uri}}{"name":"documentation"}{{/uri}}">
    read the documentation</a>.

    Though sometimes you will <a href="{{#uri}}{"name":"resource","options":{"id":"sha1"}}{{/uri}}">
    link to specific items.</a>

While verbose, the approach gives you flexibility in generating URIs in your template, particularly if you'll be generating many of them.

The option values can also include substitutions, giving you more power:

    I might want to <a href="{{#uri}}{"name":"user","options":{"username":"{{user}}"}}{{/uri}}">
    link to dynamic user.</a>

In the above example, {{username}} will be interpreted as a variable, and expanded as such. This approach allows you to generate URIs based on other variables in the view model!

Registered by default

The UriHelper is registered as a global template default parameter, under the name "uri". If you do not want it to be named as such, or want to prevent its registration with specific payloads, you can use a parameter listener. These generally work best when use named classes for view models, or if there are specific variable names or combinations present that you can identify.

$renderer->addParamListener(function ($vars, array $defaults) {
    if (! $vars instanceof BlogEntry) {
        // This listener is only relevant to BlogEntry instances.

    foreach ($defaults as $key => $value) {
        if ($key === 'uri') {
            // Put the "uri" helper into a different property:
            $vars->uriHelper = $value;
        $vars->{$key} = $value;

    return $vars;