Default Params

Since zend-expressive 0.5, the TemplateRendererInterface has provided the ability to specify default parameters to use when rendering, on both a global and a per-template level.

In rendering engines such as Plates and Twig, this is generally a simple proposition, as they only allow passing arrays of parameters when rendering. However, for Mustache, where creation of view models is typical, this requires a little special handling.

By default, we provide strategies for the following:

  • If an array of values is passed to render(), these are merged with the default values, if any, with the passed values having precedence.
  • If an value object is passed to render(), it will attempt to inject default values as object properties, assuming:
  • the property does not already exist.
  • a method of the same name does not already exist.

Since view models often contain behavior, and may not be conducive to the above, we also allow you to register your own strategies, using the method addParamListener(). This method accepts a callable, which should have the following signature:

function ($params, array $defaults)

If it cannot handle the provided $params, it should return void/null, which will allow the next listener in the stack to execute. Otherwise, it should attempt to merge the values, and return a value representing the merged structure. The first listener to return a non-void/null/scalar value will halt execution of the stack, and the value it returns will be used when rendering.

As an example, let's consider the following view model:

class User
    public $id;
    public $fullname;
    public $email;
    public $uri;

    public function merge(array $values)
        if (isset($values['given_name']) && isset($values['surname'])) {
            $this->fullname = sprintf('%s %s', $values['given_name], $values['surname']);
        if (isset($values['url'])) {
            $this->uri = $values['url'];

In this case, we only want to merge specific default values, and ignore the rest. As such, we might register the following with the Mustache renderer implementation:

$renderer->addParamListener(function ($vars, array $defaults) {
    if (! $vars instanceof User) {
    return $vars;

At this point, whenever a User instance is discovered, it will use the above listener to merge values into the view model.